Chapter 1 HFOOAD

--Originally published at Hackerman's house


This is a new semester in my life, this means I will be using this blog to share insights about my Software Analisis class.

This time I will be sharing my thoughts and things I learned about the first chapter of the famous book Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design written by Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice and David West.

Reading this chapter I realized about the importance of planning when you are developing any project. It’s is important to consider not only the present of the project and its functionality but the future, how robust it is and many other factors that should be taken in account in the production of good software.

While you are developing software you have to have priorities, usually the most important thing is that it is useful for the customer, then you can try some other things to make your software flexible and reusable, both of them properties of good software.

I really liked this chapter, specially the way the authors try to explain the topics in such a didactic way, using examples of code as well as UML diagrams or simply using texts or characters to explain what is going on.