Project 3: Zen of Python

--Originally published at TEC GDL 2016

Hey there!
Today, I have the pleasure to introduce you into my third Mastery topic, namely ‘Zen of Python’. When I first looked it up I had no idea what I would have to program for this but after some time I realized, that not what the Zen of Python is about.

Actually, the Zen of Python is basically the bible for all programmers using Python. According to different sources, this bible includes 20 software principles, of which 19 were written and published by a well-known Python guru called Tim Peters in 1999. For you to have a look at, I will copy and paste all 20 principles below:

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All of these lines have a meaning and Tim Peters felt like these rules and recommendations can help any programmer using Python to code in a better way. For a really helpful summary that explains to you step by step the meaning of each sentence, make sure to visit the following link: MEANING OF SENTENCES

Additionally, there is an Easter Egg included into the software code of Python3. Whenever you enter the terminal of your device, you are able to open up the “pop-up” menu of python by just typing ‘python3’. After that you can simply type ‘import this’ and you will be shown the whole Zen of Python as written above!

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Hit me up for any questions!
Until next time #TC101?