Technical Difficulties

--Originally published at Python

This blog is just about technical difficulties you might encounter while programming. I’m not gonna name or label them, I’m just going to  talk about the topic.

If you plan to program, then you must know that you will have a lot of errors, mistakes, however you want to call them. This is something natural and the only way to stop getting these errors is by practicing. With time, you will become better at what you are doing and you will stop making the same mistakes as before. But these mistakes aren’t bad. In fact, they’re what help you learn the most. Whenever you do something wrong, you feel frustrated, maybe even angry. You research, ask others, do everything possible to fix these errors. After you finally solve the problem, something stays in your head. You never want to do the same mistake again because you know how tedious it is to solve it. In case you make the same mistake again, well at least now you have a better idea on how to solve it.

Making mistakes is natural and good for you. Don’t try to make every program perfect, there’s always room for improvement. This is something you need to understand before you become a good programmer. Technical difficulties aren’t necessarily bad? Speaking of which…