Week 05 – Scheduling

flickr photo by DafneCholet https://flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license


One of the key reasons I create a flexible system of scheduling and submission of work in my course is to allow students the flexibility within their own schedule.

Of course, that flexibility can be dangerous for those not used to scheduling.

This Week’s Task

So you are all busy with exams but I think a great task for this week is to lay out a schedule for your work (blog posts for mastery, non-mastery posts, reading chapters or video topics). You can change plans along the way but it is useful to have a plan. I recommend you make a blog post about your plan for the semester in this course and setup a schedule via Google Calendar or another resource.

Meetings with Ken

Remember that Ken has a very flexible schedule (there are those two words again) for you to meet with him outside of class as well as in class time. You can (and should 3 times per semester minimum) make an appointment to meet with Ken one-on-one. Use the scheduling system for that https://kenbauer.youcanbook.me/index.jsp

Weekly Video

Have a Great Week!

Keep working on your deliverables and ask myself and your colleagues for help via Twitter, email or perhaps you could try the Slack that I setup for anyone with an “@itesm.mx” address.

flickr photo by DafneCholet https://flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license
flickr photo by DafneCholet https://flickr.com/photos/dafnecholet/5374200948 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

CC BY-SA 4.0 Week 05 – Scheduling by Ken Bauer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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