Testing in OO

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

Testing takes a big part in software development. It is important to know how to do the testing so that you can solve the problems presented and spend less time in this stage.  Object-Oriented testing is different from traditional testing. The root of this differences is that traditional programming consists of procedures operating on data, while OO testing treats with objects that are instances of classes.

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Testing levels

There are several testing levels when you are doing OO testing.

Algorithmic level

Each module or method of every class should be tested in isolation.

Class level

Every class should be tested as an individual entity.

Cluster level

As classes are collaborated or integrated to form a small subsystem or cluster. Testing each cluster individually becomes a necessity.

System level

At this level, interaction among the clusters is tested.

Test Cases

Methods to design OO test cases are based on the conventional methods, but the should encompass some special features to that they can be used in the object-oriented environment.

  1. It should be explicitly specified with each test case which class it should test.
  2. Purpose of each test case should be mentioned.
  3. External conditions that should exist while conducting a test should be clearly stated with each test case.
  4. All the states of object that is to be tested should be specified.
  5. Instructions to understand and conduct the test cases should be provided with each test case.

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Testing Methods

State based testing is used to verify if the methods of a class are interacting properly with each other. The basic idea of this method is that an object is created, and several methods are invoked to see if the object is changing states the way it should.

Scenario-based testing is used to detect errors that are caused due to incorrect specifications Continue reading "Testing in OO"

Verification and validation

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

These are two different processes utilized to test if the software we are producing satisfies certain characteristics. Both are directly related with what the client wants to build. Let’s see the differences between them and why both or them are important in the process of building great software.


Verification is the process of evaluating work-products of a development phase, this doesn’t evaluate the final product. The evaluation done decides if the software satisfies the specified requirements of that phase.

Are we building the product right?

Verification is done trough reviews, walkthroughs and inspections. These check if the software satisfies each of the requirements it should.

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Validation is the process of evaluating software at the end of the development process to determine if it satisfies specified business requirements. It basically evaluates if the software does what the client needs, it is directly related to the specifications done at the beginning of the project, if these were wrong in the first place then the software won’t be validated.

Are we building the right product?

There are two ways to perform software validation, internal and external. In the internal way it is assumed that the goals of the stakeholders were correctly understood, and if the software meets the requirement specification then it is internally validated. External validation happens when you ask the stakeholders if the software meets their needs.

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Design Patterns

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

As the name say Patterns, this are used in the software engineering as a solution in a common problem in the software design, these patterns are not a finished solution to the problem they are a template or an instruction of how to deal with the problem. These patterns can be helpful for solving problems more quickly, to apply some software techniques to our projects and to improve the scalability and robust between the parts of the design. This patterns are divided in three categories Creational, Structural and Behavioral, and this division was made in the book Design Patters written by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides in 1994.


This patterns are about the instantiation of a class, the patterns can be used for creating classes using inheritance and for object creation they use delegation, and the patters that we can find here are : abstract factory, builder, factory method, prototype, singleton, and my favorite for this type is the object pool, because we can recycle objects with no use, and make it useful instead of creating another object with the same functionality.


These patterns are used for the classes and objects composition, for the structure of the classes we use inheritance to compose interfaces and for objects how to define the objects to obtain new functionality. In this classification we have these patterns: adapter, bridge, composite, decorator, facade, flyweight, private class data and proxy, proxy it’s my favorite because it’s used in representation of another object, and its useful for security of the original object.


These patterns oversee the class communication, the communication between objects like passing requests, adding elements to a class, default values, encapsulation etc. We can found this patterns : chain of responsibility, command, interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento, observer, state,

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Modeling Languages and Tools

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

A modeling language it’s any language that we can use for making a model, this model can be an image, text, table, diagram, etc., this kind of languages are mainly used in the software engineering and computer science for designing software, patterns, equipment, implementations, relationships, code and its based in the requirements of the domain used for example object oriented, and there are a lot of types of modeling languages but the most typical ones are the graphical and textual ones.


In this type we found one of the most used languages UML (Unified Model Language), that is used in the object-oriented design, and the main characteristic is the use of blueprint diagrams, and we have more languages like behavior trees and flowcharts to mention some examples.


This are represented in natural languages, that is a language that we typically use that’s why is called natural we learned through the history, this type of modeling languages can be used to express knowledge like dictionaries, taxonomies, geographic, etc. This can be used to write code (pseudocode) and to make it understandable to implement in many programming languages.

There is more classification of the modeling languages like algebraic, behavioral, object oriented, for information and knowledge, but the mentioned before are the most used type and classification of modeling languages.


Photo by William Warby


Unified Software Process

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

The Unified Software Process is an iterative process framework that can be suitable for many types of projects , this have some characteristics that defines this framework for example is an Iterative and incremental development framework that allow us to test, design and implement the product before its finished not like the waterfall model that you only can do one thing at time, second, is architecture centric that supports multiple architectural models and views and its risk focused, this means that we need to solve first the critical or greatest risks in the elaboration phase. To do the Unified Software Process we need to do four phases: Inception, Elaboration, Construction and Transitive.


In this phase it’s like understanding the project, because we need to establish what are supposed to do and the goals for the project, for this we can use a list of requirements and use cases, it’s important to have a schedule of time and the cost estimation for achieving the goals.


In this phase is where we do the risk focused part, where we need to know the critical problems and solve them first based in the requirements that we have, and it’s important to choose the architecture we are going to use considering that is useful for the project, that is good in terms of value, functionality and scalability, and to do an schedule for the Construction Phase.


This phase is where we begin with doing code and building the use cases diagram or class diagram and the implementation of each of the parts together to make sure the program its working well with making tests or changing aspects of the elaboration phase, because it’s an iterative process we can go back and solve the problem or to add things to make the

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CHAPTER 10 – The OOA&D Lifecycle

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

The last chapter is important, because is about putting all the things together, all the things that we learned through the chapters are revisited and make sense when they are together, and this makes the Object-Oriented Analysis & Design Project Lifecycle that is an Iterative Development that is applied to each small problem and is iterating with every problem. And this chapter explains the seven phases and a final one of this development.

Feature List: This is necessary to do write the things that the applications need to do, when this is finished we can move to the use of case diagrams.

Use Case Diagrams: This phase helps us to thing about how the application will be used without unnecessary details. In the diagrams we are dealing with interactions between actors and the system, the features reflect functionality and use cases the usage.

Break Up the Problem: With the use case diagrams we can break this problem in smaller pieces, then we can start iterating with these pieces until the application is complete with every use case, int this phase is an extra step that is Understand the Problem before we begin with the Requirements phase because we need to understand well the problem.

Requirements: Are the specific things that the system must do to work correctly, and this help to see if the use case works.

Domain Analysis: In this phase we need to do a textual analysis on the use case and figure out the nouns (candidate classes) and verbs (candidate operations).

Preliminary Design: This phase is about making design decisions, that should be based on how the application will be used and to apply object-oriented principles.

Implementation: Here we begin with the creation and testing of the code, with doing this based in the analysis, and we

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Chapter 10 HFOOAD

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

I have finally finished this book about software analysis and design. The last chapter was like a big recapitulation of all the other chapters in the book, its purpose is to explain how everything is connected and part of the same process; a process that can be used over and over to develop great software.

First you have to figure out what the app is supposed to do, to get this part right it is necessary a lot of communication between the developers and the client. A good way of writing down these features is as a list, at this stage you must understand each of the features and make sure that you have all of the key features the client wants.

When you have all your features you can start working on the use cases. Use cases reflect how the system is used. It consists of many steps on how the action is done; it includes subjects and verbs as well.

Once you have all your use cases you can start working into smaller pieces of functionality. Modularity is really important in this step. Take your time defining how to break up the system. When you are breaking up the system you should consider that each thing has to have a single responsibility, make sure your classes use this principle in order to have a better design.


Photo by David Douša

When the big picture is defined, it’s time to dig deeper in specific parts of the system. Understand the part of the system you are working on and do use cases for that. The general understanding of the system lets you work on the specific parts of it.

Domain analysis consists in determining the operations and the classes that are going to be in the system. It is

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CHAPTER 9 – Iterating and Testing

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

Iterating and testing

This chapter introduces us to show the progress to a customer, and how to do it, because the customer don’t care about our diagrams, classes, or the object oriented tools we used, they only want to see a functional application that solves their problems and more important is doing what is suppose to do, and for this is important to choose  a way of development, Feature driven development or Use case driven development.

Feature driven development, you must look at the feature list and work on one single feature at a time, then iterate and doing all the features until the functionality of the application is finished, this works well when the features don’t interconnect a whole lot and systems with lots of disconnected pieces of functionality.

Use case driven development, here you work in a single scenario through a use case, and you work until all the scenarios are completed, this is useful when the application has a lot of scenarios than individual functionalities, you can show bigger pieces of the project to the customer and works well if the system have a large and complicated process.

To show the development of the application to the customer we need to write test scenarios, where is a way to show the customer that the functionality is working well, and is needed to be creative to test the software with every possible usage and for incorrect usage, because this way we can catch errors early, and this is only for one specific thing, a expected output according to the input, and more important to match with the design.

And the chapter concludes with an interesting contract between software and the people that use it for example the frameworks , this details how the software work when

Continue reading "CHAPTER 9 – Iterating and Testing"


--Originally published at Computer Systems Engineering

The article, Lisp: good news, bad news, how to win big was written by Richard Gabriel and originally published in 1991.

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Troughout the lecture I could grasp that at the time this was written, Lisp was very popular and used but then it got really bad reputation for many reasons like problems withing the language and also how people talked about it damaged its image a lot.

There were a lot of things done right with Lisp that may have inspired a lot of other languages to do the same like standarization, it had good performance, good integration to coexits with the different programing languages that existed, and of course you could do object oriented programming.

Then there were all those things that Lisp failed at, the most remarkable are:

  • Simplicity — the design must be simple, both in implementation and interface. It is more important for the interface to be simple than the implementation.
  • Correctness — the design must be correct in all observable aspects. Incorrectness is simply not allowed.
  • Consistency — the design must not be inconsistent. A design is allowed to be slightly less simple and less complete to avoid inconsistency. Consistency is as important as correctness.
  • Completeness — the design must cover as many important situations as is practical. All reasonably expected cases must be covered. Simplicity is not allowed to overly reduce completeness.

It had a different philosophy for this things that at the end of the day didn’t sit well with most. Other things it failed at were that, even thought it might have seem easy to build things with it, it was not that simple to make good programs, there were a lot ofmistakes people could make about the declarations, implementations and bad data structures.

This is a good article to reflect about

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