A bug’s life

--Originally published at Codebuster

A big tremendous part of any programmer’s life, whether we like it or not is debugging.

Debugging sounds like a repulsive word when in reality, although frustrating, it is one of the most challenging parts of programming.  As much as we want to, humans aren’t perfect. So it is only natural that since programming is done by us, the not perfect humans, errors happen.

This errors are called bugs, and as such, tracking them down and getting rid of them is what is known as debugging.


There are three types of errors: syntax errors, runtime errors and semantic errors.

So how exactly do you debug? Well, if you fancy yourself a Sherlock Holmes, you are in luck. In order to debug, you gather clues and have to infer what led to the error. Once you cluing for looks.gifhave a thought of where things went wrong, you modify your programm and try anew. If you were wrong, you simply have to come up with a new hypothesis of what the problem might be, but if you happen to be correct, that takes you closer to your dream program.