The chosen Py.

--Originally published at Codebuster

Python is generally considered a great first programming language, but what makes it stand out from the rest languages? Is it the fastest? the most used? the best?

  1. It is easy
    For real tho, if you are just getting started on writting programs, hearing about input, output, loops, functions and such can send a chill down your spine – but fear not – Python designers had this in mind, so much so that one part of the Zen of Py literally says it ought to be simple.
  2. It is a trampoline
    By learning Python you learn the basics of most programming languages, so that later you can jump into them deeper. Python is object oriented just like Javascript, C++, Perl, Ruby and such, so you can use your knowledge of Python as a foundation for them.
  3. Recognition
    Python is currently one of the most used languages by tech companies. Yahoo!, Google, Nokia and IBM are all known users, and the community keeps growing.
  4. Get online
    We all know The New York Times or The Guardian, and if you don’t, then at least you’ve heard of Pinterest and Instagram; but did you know that Django, the web application they are foundated in, is written in Python?