Chapter 3 HFOOAD

--Originally published at Hackerman's house

Chapter 3 of the book was shorter than the first two, and I think it didn’t cover as much information. It talks about change, this is something you can always count on when you are developing software. This sometimes happen in the middle of the project, when the requirements need to evolve to satisfy the customer, in other occasions the software is already complete, but the customer realizes that his product can improve or even change its goal.

Change is constant, and your system should always improve every time you work on it.

The system must evolve to handle the new requirements, the use cases must be redesigned to assure that the customer’s goal is accomplished. As we already learned in the chapter 2, the use cases help us code, if the initial code and the original use cases are well designed, the changes in the requirements can be easily handled. A good encapsulation, where the objects and their methods are correctly related may avoid duplicated code, thus facilitating the process of change.


Photo by Martin Deutsch.

In this chapter I realized how important is a good design, as this not only affects the way your customer will receive its product, but it affects the programmer when change is needed.