Taking Your Software into the Real World

--Originally published at Computer Systems Engineering

Let’s talk about chapter 4 of the book.

In this chapter they talk about putting your software to use in real world because, you know, world isn’t the perfect environment we all want it to be. We can try to prevent as much as we can some software malfuctions that our system may have by doing this: ANALYSIS.


We need to carefully think about where is our program going to be when it is no longer in our little bubble of perfect conditions, we need to train it and prepare it for all the scenatios, create new use cases, update the ones we already have and basically give our program a shield and a sword so that it can fight the world. Visual representation of our program:


As for my personal thougts, i think its really important to get used to preventing things on a larger scale. We are in a risk of getting acostumed to programming only taking into acount that it should work for the school project, or that it only has to work well on our own computer but that’s not how it works at the end of the day.

Without nothing else to say, thank you for reading and bye.

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