Control flow with If, elif, else, and nested conditionals

--Originally published at Quirino´s Projects

When we want to do something based on an specific value, or do something if a value is equal to something or do something else if the value is different than that, we use control flow for example we want to create a program that reads user age and prints whether or not he can enter to the bar

In this case we can use the if conditional, the if sintaxis works like this

if (conditional):


“If this is true then do this (statements)”

age = input(“Whats your age? “)

if age >= 18:

print(“You may come in”)

This program checks if the age is bigger or equal than 18 and if the age is, it prints the string, if the age is less than 18 the statements in if will be ignored.

If we wanted to do something

age = input(“Whats your age? “)

if age >= 18:

print(“You may come in”)


print(“Weenie hut is next door kid”)

Now we have something to handle when the condition is set to false.

Simple if this is something, do this, if not do that instead

But what if we want to check for another condition if the first one is met? Well in many programming language we would be required to put an if inside the else, but python is helpful including the elif statement, this one works like this

if (condition): #If the first is true

    #Do This

elif (anotherCondition): #If the one above this False

    #Do this

elif (someOtherCondition): #Do this if the one above false

    #Do this

else: #This one is run if non of the conditions is met 

   #Do this 

#Here we continue the program

This way we can do specific things depending on the value of our variables

is a simple flowchart for easier understanding:


But what if we need to do more things depending in more values, for example checking if the user is male or female then checking if he/she is old enough to drink

Lets review this code:

age = int(input(“Whats your age: “))

if age >= 18:

gender = input(“Whats your gender: “)

if gender == “Male”:

print(“No males allowed on Thursdays”)

if gender == “Female”:

print(“Welcome to Juanitos Bar”)

The program first checks if the user age is bigger or than 18, if he/she is, we check if he is a female or male