Inputs and Outputs

--Originally published at Hector Martinez Alcantara

Hey there, i’m going to explain how the basic inputs and outputs of text work.

Example of a basic input and output:

x=input('Type something\n')
print('You've typed '+x+'!')

Which result is:

Type something
>>>typing something
You've typed typing something!

The most basic form you can make an input for basic text is with the reserved word input, this function receives a string(an array of characters), assign it to a variable, and prints a message on the screen.

syntax of  an input:

variable=input('A message you want to show')

Then the most basic form you can show the value of a variable is with the reserved word print, the function print will convert every type of variable to a string and will show that string on the screen.

With the function print you can show text on screen, or a composed message of text and a variable.

here the syntax of an output:

print('The message you want to show') #Shows only the text between ''
print(variable) #Shows the value of 'variable'

Suposing that variable have a value of 10 integer the output will be:

>>>The message you want to show

To show a message composed of text and a value of a variable you’ll type:

print ('First part '+ variable +' last part') #Shows a composed message of text

The text binds with the variable using the operator ‘+’ and makes only one string like the result below.

>>>First part 10 last part

Special thanks to Output and input in python