--Originally published at Nihilistic Kirby

I don’t know how I believed libraries were complicated. At first I thought they were some kind of complex code expansion, but they ended up being just another way to write things, like the command “>>>import math” in python, that makes the user capable to write “>>>math.sqrt(x)” to calculate the exact square root of any x number, instead of writing “>>>(x)**(1/2)”,  which can be a little more complicated. However, libraries aren’t such a great option to use (at some times) because the more of them the user uses, the heavier the code gets. This doesn’t mean that they’re not useful, they give the editor and the language itself great extra capabilities in order to use python in another several programs that require special commands, making python a diverse language that can be use in almost any application or whatever, just by having the correct library that can help.

(Sorry for the awful English, I’m almost dead because of my recent lack of sleep)

Here’s an example of the library known as ‘math’:
