
--Originally published at Coding with jared

Just learned how to open .txt files on the terminal using python 3, it is very easy to use, you will feel like a hacker just to open a file for reading it.

the comand we need is open(“filename.txt”)


The .txt files and the .py file must be in the same directory in order to proceed.

Screenshot from 2016-11-20 20-13-25.png

My .py and .txt files are in my Desktop, you cans see that I got two books, the Bible and a book of Harry Potter, now let´s move on to the code

Screenshot from 2016-11-20 20-14-45.png

Here I am making a menu of the books available, and also I am asking the user to enter not the number, but the name of the book. if the name of the book is equal to Harry Potter or The Bible, the code will continue, we must name a variable, I called it “text” equal to open(“nameofbook.txt”).

After that wee need to print the file in the terminal so we write this, print (

Here is how it works on the terminal…

Screenshot from 2016-11-20 20-15-15.png

Screenshot from 2016-11-20 20-15-31.png

Now I can read Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets on my ubuntu terminal..

Watch where i learned about opening filess.