TC101 course review

--Originally published at Programming

As my last blog post of this semester I’m going to be reviewing my experience with the flipped learning TC101 course. I’m going to be completely honest by saying what I liked, what I didn’t like and give some suggestions that could help to improve the student’s experience as well as their desire to learn.

To start I want to thank ken for what he is trying to do. He’s encouraging people to learn by themselves by changing the traditional educational system that we have in our country. Technically he’s “breaking” TEC rules and imposing his own grading system (abolish grades) which is good! He wants people not to depend on a teacher to learn, he wants them to think out of the box and do research, find their own solution to problems and stay connected. He wants his students to work in pairs because that way they can learn from each other. This doesn’t mean that he won’t help you, he’s encouraging you to learn but if at some point you get stuck he’ll be always there to help you and make sure you understand the topic.

Now the video reviewing this semester’s TC101.