The Cathedral and the Bazaar

--Originally published at Newbie Programmer

This essay contrast two types of software development models that are show in the title, one named The Cathedral model, and the second The Bazaar model, is an interesting essay because its explain two different ways to do the things, and the kind of things that the author made in relation with the bazaar model, and this help us to understand how the open software works, and he give us various attributes of open source software, such as use others solutions, the interest of you, to have testers, users as developers, to make stable and early versions of software, to hear the customers, use ideas and solutions from the people, and this opens you a different perspective about the open software, because if you don’t know much about this you think is worse than things like Mac OS or Windows, or like its insecure, they have a lot of problems.

So, The Cathedral it’s a model where the source code is only available for exclusive groups of developers that oversee making new functions, solving problems, testing, but the releases are not frequently, and this will make the people angry because there its not a lot of improvements in a huge time. In the other hand, The Bazaar model, the source code is public for every person, that can be modified and published by everyone, its particularity is that the updates, the new features, the solve of bugs, new implementations are made by a lot of persons around the world and in less time.


Photo by Matt Lucht