The first step to become a successful Programmer (for MacOsx)

--Originally published at Code With Charlie

Just like Loazi said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” and the first step of this Journey is installing the programming environment in our computer, the programming environment is the program in charge of the translation between the language we are programing in, to the computer language (in the end binary), after installing it, the computer will understand what our program is intended to do and will execute it. The result will be AWESOME.

Lets begin with the installation:

  1. Go to the python web page and choose the downloads section (
  2. We are gonna work with python 3.x.x so choose the newest.
  3. After the download finished, install and accept every condition.
  4. Your computer is ready to “Understand Python” (the programs this download installed doesn’t have any utility for us).
  5. To confirm everything went good its time to test it in our terminal so open your terminal and write python3 in your bash and you should receive this confirmation message Captura de pantalla 2016-08-18 23.48.09

If you got that message, you are good to go, you just walk your first step in the journey of the Programming.

Good Luck