
--Originally published at Py(t)hon

Image via GIPHY

Continuing with Python, it’s time to learn about the comments, which are no more than pieces of codes that are not supposed to be run by the interpreter. This comments help the programmer understand better the code, and also if for any reason you get confuse, you can find your path once again by reading the comments.

For us to start a comment in Python there is only one requirement, to star with a number sing #.comentarios 1

As you can see, the comments where not run, only the function “print”. There is another use for the comments, let say you have a piece of the code that you don’t want the interpreter to run, but also you don’t want to erase it. What to do? The answer is simple, just turn it into a comment.

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For the people that is using eclipse to program, there are certain thing you can do to make your life easier, and your programing, on the top left corner in there is the option “Source” in there you will find two buttons one is Comment and the other one Uncomment, by selecting the piece of code and clicking on of these buttons you will be able to turn that piece of code into a comment or make that comment a piece of code again?.


Here is the video that help me understand comments …
