Using If & Else to set an alarm.

--Originally published at Waste your time

Nicee !!!

Carolina's Blog Site

So, Alex ( and I created a program using if and else statements to set an alarm. It took awhile, and at the end, we realized:

a) it doesn’t take into account minutes, which would make it a more complex piece of code, and we like, don’t know how to do it-YET!

b) Ken told us there’s actually already a module that does this.

Lol. It was fun though.

Enjoy the screenshots.

alarm final extra fibal

SO…..Later today I had a life altering realization. I thought the print function would only display strings, so I also converted integer values to strings and displayed all of them using +++. But I just discovered you can totally print stuff that has strings and integers, as long as you separate them with ,,,,. Whoa.

I know this doesn’t seem like much of a difference, but I feel like it’s always better to be zenny about it and write…

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