I need posts, like now

--Originally published at Monty Python and the Blogging Tale

I now face one of the most challenging thing ever for a blogger… creativity. I should have posted an “other” but related post a while ago, but I  did not, why?, because I am lazy. That is the problem, I was too lazy to post, and now I need something to post; so in this post I am not only going to tell you the sad story about my lazyness, but also show how not to be a student in KenCourses.

  • Never miss a class, unless you have to
  • Always use the time in class to work in something related to it
  • Do not do in other classes what you can do in Ken’s Courses
  • Do not be lazy like me
  • Do not do everything at the last minute
  • Do not do empty posts to cheat the course
  • Be creative with what you do
  • Try to ask your classmates if you need help
  • Use twitter more often
  • Ask on #TC101
  • Answer questions on #TC101
  • Try to comment on other people’s blogs to congratulate them or give them feedback
  • Do not play League of Legends on campus
  • Do not Pokemon GO to the polls
  • I am out of ideas
  • This is not the Zen of KenCourses
  • Thou shalt not cheat
  • Post like crazy (things related to the class)
  • Green is not a creative color
  • Keep scrolling

Now let’s be serious, do not be lazy, just try to work harder; Ken’s class is as important as the other ones, just try to make an effort.

Now go and code some stuff.



“Real hacking is not fun”

--Originally published at Monty Python and the Blogging Tale

So I wanted to make an “other” but related post as the holy rubric states. I do not know if any of you wonder why hacking is depicted like an almost magic task in TV shows or movies; and the reason is that real hacking is not fun to watch, or at least that is what I have heard from a lot of people in the industry. But last year, a show called “Mr. Robot” was released on Amazon, and I have to say it truly achieved to make real hacking an entertaining task. So in my non-Mastery topic post but related to programming I wanted to give “Mr. Robot” a try. It has currently finished its second season (have not watched it) and is really worth your time.

Also a link describing more what I just said: https://www.engadget.com/2015/08/29/the-many-surprisingly-realistic-hacks-of-mr-robot/